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Bio: Of German-French descent, German-born Chila (pronounced "Sheila") Woychik is the owner and managing editor of Port Yonder Press / Eastern Iowa Review, est. 2009 & 2014. She especially enjoys chiseled lines that bring musicality to a piece. Chila is the author of the 2020 hybrid essay collection (foreword by Stephanie Emily Dickinson), Singing the Land: A Rural Chronology (Shanti Arts, Brunswick, Maine, 2020) & the Maddie Hill [cozy] Mystery Series of novellas. She won the 2019 Force Majeure Flash Contest (Storm Cellar), the 2017 Loren Eiseley Creative Nonfiction Award (Red Savina Review), and the 2016 Linda Julian Creative Nonfiction Award (Emrys Foundation / Emrys Journal). She also finaled in the 2017 Proximity Magazine Personal Essay Prize (Judge: Adriana Ramírez), and double-finaled in the 2019 Barry Lopez Creative Nonfiction Contest via Cutthroat Literary Review (Judge: Heid Erdrich). Her most recent essay credits appear in Passages North, Cimarron Review, Portland Review, Atticus, Tahoma Literary, and others, and her poems appear in JuxtaProse, Panoply, San Pedro River Review, and elsewhere. When not working "the farm," she edits the Eastern Iowa Review, jeeps the beautiful countryside, and eats chocolate & salads. She's also a darn good pool player and has been blest with a fine family.