Maddie Hill loves small press publishing, but if the truth be known, she sometimes gets weary of slogging through so many submissions. But when she finds those diamonds that make her heart thump a little faster, well, it's all worth it. This year she considers several promising manuscripts for Kurgan Press, and one that's especially intriguing. But because of an author who keeps changing his (or is it "her") name in their email exchanges, she's not sure what to think. Then there's Sasha, a love gone sour. And Ian, a mentor, or is he something more sinister than that? LJ wants her, Ruth encourages her, and David left her without even saying goodbye. Can Maddie tie up the loose ends of her somewhat confusing life? More important, is the possible publication of a controversial book worth the risk?
100 pages. $7.50
100 pages. $7.50
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